The race
This was her last chance to win the race! Only 1 Km left to the finish line. She urged the giraffe for a higher pace but the others were really fast. Dirt was flying around. The noise of the hooves was incredible loud. Nobody wanted to lose. It was definitely a rough and hard race but it was fun. The giraffe was running faster and faster. She overtook every single competitor and finally: She made it! She won the race and was therewith on the first place. The winner steped with pride on the winners´podium. She was earning a wild applause from the delighted spectators! What a race! What a really good race! The referee was giving her a big goblet and congratulated on her victory. But not only this! Right after the award ceremony she grabed her violin and started to play. What an all-rounder!
Starting to go back home
It was time to leave this place so the winner packed everything in her odd car. Not like a normal car. A car made out of changeable parts. And of course the car was huge! How else could the giraffe fit into a vehicle? She prepared everything very carefully and made sure that her dog, sister and backback were on the right spot. The driver (not her, she wanted to be near her giraffe) asked for a license plate and she quickly added one on the back of the car: #1-2014. And another problem occoured: Where to go exactly? No problem at all! She drew a map so the driver couldn´t miss the right road. Very detailed on this map was her home surrounded by a magic forrest! If Halloween is coming she only needs to go into the forrest, close her eyes and every single tree will be decorated with scary costumes and creatures. And for sure: At Christmas every tree is mounted with five presents. How marvelous is that?
20 Dollars please
Because of the length of the ride back home (nearly six weeks!!) and the need for cross the border at her property (it is just huge) both the driver and winner needed passports. Damn it! But there was already a solution: A grumpy civil servant offered to make them both passports. What luck! But oh no! She wanted 20 Dollars for the two passports…Both drove back to a bank and asked a (again grumpy) employee if there is any money. Indeed there was fresh produced money! The only necessary: A bank card. No problem! Paper and a pen is more magic than everything else and soon money wasn´t the main problem anymore (the bank machine was only a cup of tea, but it worked just fine!). They already made a lot of process of the route and started to get hungry. What a coincidence that there was a restaurant nearby! She asked the waiter how much it would cost for five persons (herself, the driver, the giraffe, her sister and of course her dog). 25 Dollars! That was pretty cheap so they took a break and ate a very healthy meal.
„Is that really you?“
The civil servant was already working on their passports after they got back (the driver had to help out in the kitchen because the waiter made a mistake and undercharded). Neither they had photos with them nor a camera to take pictures of themselves. So there was no other choice: They had to draw their head into the passport. After paying for the great and quick (hey, just a week!) service and buying two hot dogs and an apple both continued their route. Until they reached the border check. A (of course) grumpy border worker asked for the passports and if they had any animals in the car. „Just a dog and a giraffe“ they responded. The employee was rigorous about the passports and asked the winner of the race if that was really her on the picture. „Of course! I am just younger on this photo!“ was her confident answer. Alright! They could move on. Finally they made it home faster than they expected. What a great journey!
Fantasy is important!
No pictures needed. Just images in your head. Here some fun facts:
Winner of the race: Eva
Spectator: Marie
Referee: Me
Driver: Me
All the grumpy employees: Menna
Restaurant: Marie and Terry (the healthy meal was indeed supper :-D)
What we produced: Two goblets (a big and a small one), the bank card, the money (190 Dollars; comment from Eva: „We are rich! If we have this money we don´t need to go to a bank anymore!“), the license plate, the passports and the steering wheel made all out of paper and crayons. The hot dogs and the apple were created out of wool. The car was made out of a lot boxes like the winners´podium (even with a basket).
Duration: 2-3 hours
And it was just cute while she was running to her dad (at the „restaurant“) who made ribs for himself and me to ask him how much he wanted for the food aswell just to be sure that I get something to eat. She ran more around to pay her mum and dad than to sit down to eat her food. And imagine a six year old girl saying to the grumpy border control after asking if she is really the person on the photo: „I am just younger on this photo!“. Just hilarious!
Amasing!!! That’s what dreams are made of! I think you have found pretty phantasiefull kids there. I would have liked to sit beside and take a look at their adventure =)
And I had to admit, that I am really interessted in next stories about that lillte adventurer 🙂
Have fun there and don’t forget to tell about you work over there.
Oh yeah, they ARE pretty imaginative! Haha, you wouldn´t look that long because you would get very quickly a part of the game 😉 They have plenty to tell. Today we worked outside again at the trail and both Menna and Eva were with us. They had a house on rock and showed me everything and they gave me my own house (another stone of course :P) right next to them^^ And work? That is kinda work for me :p